Sunday, June 2, 2013

Human Imagination

Humans cannot imagine. Yes humans cannot imagine things, that they haven’t seen or heard about before. We need an inspiration for everything. We need something to associate with. Fantasies are partially based upon real things. An example from nature or divine intervention; it depends on your belief, is always required to imagine. There has been plenty of controversies, where most argue over the power of human imagination. For most of such issues, the one explanation given is; it’s beyond the power of human imagination. This per se is quite confusing.  

Power and ability are two different things. Being able to do something is not as the same as having the power to do something. Human power, being a measurable thing has to have an end. Ability cannot be measured. You are able to imagine limits, and beyond limits, providing you have something to associate with. But the power, as insane as it may sound, to imagine things without a basic picture - does not exist. It’s like you can fantasize swimming in an ocean, because you know what an ocean and swimming is. Even if you can’t swim or never seen an ocean before. But you cannot ‘think to imagine’ an ocean if there is no such thing as ocean.

The bottom-line is that there is no such thing as ‘creative imagination’. You can cross link ideas, think about patterns, you can be innovative. Which makes it very simple to understand that there is no such thing called ‘creativity‘this needs to be realized. The whole idea of creating something out of nothing is, sadly, a waste of time. Even if you accelerate particles and collide them and make something out of it, it’s not creating, you already had those particles. So if you’re thinking about doing something creative, you’re just wasting your time. Try to discover, innovate and delve. That is what has brought mankind here. The ‘just another’ creature taking control of the whole planet. So think, and stop trying to be creative and just try to do what we’re best at doing; digging things.

This is how it is... or is it?

Perception and assumption is everything. They're the key to understanding how things work. Or why they work in the first place. Perception is a result of the need to know. Need, is the reason why things work, or that is how we perceive it.

Perception and need are the two things that we, as conscience beings, use to make sense of things. Only it again depends on how each of us perceive conscience. And we do perceive it because of the need to make sense of things. Only, here we confuse ourselves by trying to understand conscience as something that is physical as any thing. So we use our senses such as hearing, smelling, seeing touching and so on to understand what could probably be nothing - emptiness.

Emptiness can be compared with conscience. It is after all what science and belief systems tell us. The great emptiness that was there before everything. The problem though, is not that we do not try to perceive emptiness, it is simply that we cannot. Much like how we do not possess the power of imagination, we simply do not have the capability to perceive emptiness.

So as conscience beings, we would probably do better if we try not to perceive conscience, but try to be in it - which is being aware of oneself. Feeling it as an empty space with no walls, no surface and no presence whatsoever, but energy. Borrowed energy that is very potential, which needs the right trigger to spread out in directions that we do and do not know of. A trigger to help it get kinetic. The trigger is to connect with the same energy that is distributed across the space.

The connection however already exists. Being aware of the connection, helps realize the relationship between all things present. But the problem is, this realization will open up a new perception of why things are perceived the way they are. It will take immense amount of true effort to digest the fact that reality is the biggest illusion.

Reality as we know it, as we perceive it, is a product of what we see, feel, smell, hear and taste. With our sensory capability, reality appears to be what it is now. Much like how reality to dogs or butterflies or mantis shrimps would appear to those. Different, and perceivable to us only through assumption.

So it is assumption that keeps us going. Assumption of needs that trigger perception. Assumption of self-awareness, consciousness, and the supposedly mysterious sub-conscious.

But what is sub-conscious? Can you try to perceive it with what you know of your consciousness?

Monday, July 26, 2010


What is Time?

Without ever getting into the terms like past, present and future, and the idea that time is an emerging concept; a layman's idea of time is far easier to comprehend. Time is just the Movement of Energy. Various factors may affect time. Movement of energy is influenced by so many things like the gravity, wind, waves etc.. Then time will accordingly vary.  So the time on earth - which is influenced by earth's gravity will be slower or faster on another planet depending upon the gravity and other influencing matters. The same way time will differ in the space of our galaxy from the spaces of other galaxies. And the vast empty spaces between the galaxies might not even have any movement of energy, which might be taken as absence of time.

Time Travel

Is time travel possible? Theoretically yes. It is like the way we rewind a scene in a DVD. You wind back the flow of energy then you come back where you started. One of the many complications in this is the idea of getting the transformed energy back to its original form or getting the same amount of energy back to the source. This could be termed as reverse transportation of energy.
These are two different ideas. Trying to rewind the transmission of energy would have to go through the same avalanche which happened during the initial transformation of the energy to become another form of energy. That is, the action which occurred when the potential energy transformed into kinetic should also happen in reverse when the transformed kinetic energy reaches back it's potential form. For example if you are punching  on a wooden table, the energy you used to punch, the mass of your fist, the surface where you punched all together would create a thud (sound). Reversing the action.
(a) The sound traveled has to be brought back to the table, nullifying the impact.
(b) The energy which was transferred from the fist to the table has to be transferred back to the fist.

It's a total reversed avalanche. Even the splattered dust on impact has to fall back in its old place. This idea is like traveling backwards.

The first flaw in this idea is that, this will affect everything around us. In our Universe, everything is connected. Google 'Particle Entanglement' to look into this. So in this well connected world, when you reverse something back, then everything goes back along. It's like if you rewind your life two years from today. Then the whole world has to go through the same thing. You would go two years younger and so would everything and everybody. But what happens to the memory stored in our brain is another question. Maybe the sub-conscious would remember things, maybe not. Maybe that is how we get Deja Vus.

Now the second idea of getting the same amount of energy back to the source. With the same example of punching on a table. Instead of bringing back the transformed energy which was absorbed by the table, the ground beneath, the dust around and the air; we could substitute a new energy to travel back the same pathway. From the sound to the table and to the fist to the arm. Or just start right away from the table's surface and transport it back to the fist and then the arm. This way you know exactly what happened and you actually transport back energy without having to disturb anything else. Another flaw here is, in the growing younger part. What happens if you travel two years before your birth; Makes this totally insane. But maybe if the transporting is done in a parallel path, things could be different. But even then everything should fall in place perfectly. The new pathway should not influence anything on the way. If it does then things change as everything is connected.

Maybe science has already worked it out. May be it will. But even the idea of  reversing time is in fact fascinating. But even if everything is in place for science to play this one perfectly, I'm not sure how to travel forth into the future, uncertain of the path energy might travel through. Perhaps they travel in a parallel path into the future too. Without having to disturb anything and just watching things happen. We may never know..

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Human Imagination

Humans cannot imagine. Yes humans cannot imagine things, that they haven’t seen or heard about before. We need an inspiration for everything. We need something to associate with. Fantasies are partially based upon real things. An example from nature or divine intervention; it depends on your belief, is always required to imagine. There has been plenty of controversies, where most argue over the power of human imagination. For most of such issues, the one explanation given is; it’s beyond the power of human imagination. This per se is quite confusing.  

Power and ability are two different things. Being able to do something is not as the same as having the power to do something. Human power, being a measurable thing has to have an end. Ability cannot be measured. You are able to imagine limits, and beyond limits, providing you have something to associate with. But the power, as insane as it may sound, to imagine things without a basic picture - does not exist. It’s like you can fantasize swimming in an ocean, because you know what an ocean and swimming is. Even if you can’t swim or never seen an ocean before. But you cannot ' imagine’ an ocean if there is no such thing as ocean.

 The bottom-line is that there is no such thing as ‘creative imagination’. You can cross link ideas, think about patterns, you can be innovative. Which makes it very simple to understand that there is no such thing called ‘creativity‘ this needs to be realized. The whole idea of creating something out of nothing is, sadly, a waste of time. Even if you accelerate particles and collide them and make something out of it, it’s not creating, you already had those particles. So if you’re thinking about doing something creative, you’re just wasting your time. Try to discover, innovate and delve. That is what has brought mankind here. The ‘just another’ creature taking control of the whole planet. So think, and stop trying to be creative and just try to do what we’re best at doing; digging things.